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Pig technology

The test farm

Our company established its own pig test farm in 2013 for these goals, which was expanded with a modern poultry test farm in 2024. The main criterion in the design of the barns in both units is to create technological elements, airspace and group formations that model the practice of the region's commodity-producing farms well. We considered it important that we easily obtain data during the tests, and that these provide statistically interpretable correlations.

The results will thus be easily interpretable and well communicable to our partners. We share with our partners those feeding solutions that have been proven to improve performance and economic efficiency during pig and poultry tests. Our colleagues, experts provide assistance in on-site adaptation. We hope that we can continue to contribute to your success.

Best features

Maternal line 230 TN70 sow, characterized by easy fertility, fecundity, good maternal properties, strong resistance and easy handling. For the production of fast-growing and stable construction final product pigs, we use TN Duroc sperm. We have developed a three-week batch system, which allows for 26 days of selection and 65th day battery settlement.

Technological background

The Vivafarm nurseries are equipped with Canadian JYGA Technologies Gestal solo automatic feeders, with which different compositions and nutrient content of suckling sow feeds can be compared within a batch, with doses, curves and appetite characteristics tailored to genotype-parity. On the software user interface, detailed and / or average feed intake data for each sow or batch is available, traceable and can be compared in many ways.

After piglet feeding, we also do not lack precision tools, as the NEDAP ProSense automatic feeding stations (4 pcs, 15 individuals / feeder) and the adjustable, automatic feed dispenser and meter Roxell Blu Hox Plus (manufacturer: Fancom, Netherlands) provide individual weight and feed intake monitoring. In addition, the data of the individuals coming from IVOG can be linked to the data of both devices via ear tags compatible with both devices. This means that the precision technological tools used at Vivafarm are suitable for exact, comparative studies from SELECTION TO SLAUGHTER in data collection and analysis.



TN 70 sow (P1) with pre-selection pig litter

  • 4 IVOG smart feeders in a fattening room
  • individual performance data
  • 4 x 15 individual performance data for piglets
  • space / crate: 2.75m2 / pig

Gestal solo feeder on the fattening farm

  • different compositions and nutrient-rich lactating sow feeds/batches
  • doses, curves tailored to genotype-parity
  • appetite characteristics specific to the individual
  • daily detailed and / or average feed intake data, traceable, comparative studies

VIVAFARM NEDAP feeding stations

  • 4 PPT feeding stations in a fattening barn room
  • 4 x 15 fattening individual performance data
  • Space / crate: 2.75m2 / pig
  • general weight category: between 26-28 kg and 115-125 kg live weight
  • Usually 2 or 4 treatments set at a time, 30 or 15 repetitions/batch

1200g-1300 g / daily weight gain; 2.3-2.4 kg / kg specific feed value


Fancom Roxell ® BLU HOX PLUS

  • 3x200 pig capacity
  • 35 pigs/feeder, 6 pens/batch
  • Feed intake / feeding phase / feeder
  • Feed dose adjustable according to different proportions
  • Each pen equipped with a separate feeder

Hokofarm Group:IVOG® feeding station

  • 4 feeding stations
  • 15 piglets/feeding station
  • 4*15=60 total piglets/batch
  • IVOG observation
  • daily, individual feed intake data per piglet (between 26 to 65 days of age)

Farrowing with Jyga Gestal Solo® automatic feeders

Daily 6 feed discharge periods

Adjustable proportions

Automatic feeding

According to appetite, 3 feeding curves: P1, P2, P3+

Advantages over other systems

+10% feed intake / lactation, - 10% condition deterioration / lactation